• FRD envisions societies where diverse believers respectfully affirm and contest their unreconcilable truth and value convictions by means of mutual persuasion as trustworthy rivals.

  • FRD envisions thriving societies where people of all persuasions live their convictions and continually reach for the whole truth by learning from as many perspectives as possible.


It is not polarized disagreement—it is fearful distrust and angry contempt.


It is extending good faith to engage as trustworthy rivals.


  • Without respectful appreciation and contestation of ideals and value priorities, suspicion overwhelms the trust in people and institutions needed for dynamic diverse societies to patiently negotiate a thriving social order.

  • Integrity requires that we sincerely admit that most have chosen a way of life they sincerely – not arrogantly – find to be superior to alternatives like ours.

  • The problem is not that we tend to polarize over conflicting ideals; it resides in our contempt for those we fail to persuade—believing them stupid, naive, or evil.

  • Often frustrated at our inability to convert our rivals, we dismiss or disdain them, causing distrust, resentment, ill will, and eventual social disintegration.

  • Often frustrated at our inability to convert our rivals, we dismiss or disdain them, causing distrust, resentment, ill will, and eventual social disintegration.

  • So, our great social/political/religious problem today is finding how to thrive in peaceful tension with trustworthy rivals who believe we are wrong about our deepest convictions.


FRD has developed an effective way to face, not evade, our deepest unreconcilable differences together with integrity and good will.

FRD’s trust-building conversation protocol allows for mutually persuasive contestation between critics, opponents or rivals that desire to live together in peaceful co-resistance.

Respecting the values alignment problem, universal consensus yields tyranny, individual relativism yields anarchy, but respectful contestation yields peaceful co-resistance.


For more information about our past initiatives, events, films, publications, and software development, see FRD’s activities and events in our history document.

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